
JJasmine m’accompagne depuis plusieurs années, elle est devenue mon guide, quelqu’un de très important dans ma vie. Elle est magique et généreuse. L’air de rien elle a su anticiper des tas d’événements qui m’ont trouvé ainsi préparée, armée. Son ironie espiègle aide à regarder le futur d’une autre manière. Elle voit tout, elle a un incroyable don que je n’ai pu trouver nulle part ailleurs. C’est la seule voyante, ma coach de vie. On peut plus s’en passer de Jasmine.


Je connais Jasmine pour avoir commencé à la consulter il y a largement plus de 15 ans, sur le conseil d’une amie.
C’est la personne la plus sage dans la clairvoyance qui m’ai été donné de rencontrer. Tout de suite elle voit le noeud qui bloque nos vies et du coup nos blocages intérieurs. Bien sûr nous gardons notre libre arbitre et je n’ai pas toujours suivi son opinion, à mon détriment d’ailleurs. Mais c’est aussi le chemin qui nous est donné de suivre avec ses failles que nous ne savons pas toujours éviter même si nous sommes prévenus. Les épreuves sont des leçons. Jasmine sait aussi voir le positif et le soulagement a apporter qui va nous faire aller dans la bon sens. Elle voit très nettement qui dans notre entourage est bénéfique ou non. Cela m’a combien de fois aidée, rassurée, ancrée même dans mon être profond et ma ressource intérieure. Je lui suis infiniment redevable et je conseille sans arrière-pensée de venir lui confier nos doutes et errances. Je lui ai envoyé des dizaines de personnes qui ont aussi été frappées de son extraordinaire perspicacité.


Je consulte Jasmine depuis environ 25 ans, mes consultations peuvent être très très rapprochées ou plus éloignées suivant mon chemin de vie.

J’ai à chaque fois trouvé un accueil, une écoute sincères sans aucun jugement !
Ses prédictions, ses flashs sont toujours très justes et pertinents et se révèlent tellement vrais lorsque surviennent les événements.
Elle peut avoir des mots durs vis à vis de telle ou telle personne de votre entourage très proche mais tellement vrais après quelques années de recul!!
Elle ne flatte jamais .
Elle m’a toujours aidée, soutenue et su trouver les mots après des événements tragiques.
Ses consultations à ces moments là ont été des anti-dépresseurs super efficaces pour rebondir et croire à demain !
Merci du fond du cœur pour votre aide, votre compassion et ce don exceptionnel que vous mettez au service des autres.


Je consulte Jasmine une à deux fois par an depuis une quinzaine d’années, pour faire un « tour d’horizon » des problèmes ou questions du moment, me concernant ou concernant mes proches, mes enfants et même, mes petits-enfants ! Jasmine est une personne d’une grande intelligence émotionnelle, qui exprime ce qu’elle sent, ressent et voit, avec franchise et bienveillance. Plus qu’une voyante, elle est autant dans la prédiction que dans le conseil avisé, le coaching, la guidance. Sur les plans professionnel, affectif, ou sur la santé, en mêlant son analyse à des visions extra-lucides, elle se révèle toujours d’une grande aide pour nous tous. Merci encore!


J’avais rencontré des mediums, mais comme Jasmine, jamais.
Elle peut indiquer les gestes, les mots, les pensées de la personne à qui l’on pense comme une petite souris le ferait pour nous.
Grâce à Jasmine, j’ai appris à relativiser sur la vie. Ce serait comme si la vie était un chemin où l’on peut trouver quelques fois un caillou au milieu du passage.
On a le choix entre rester bloquer devant, le sauter en connaissant les risques que cela peut engendrer ou le contourner en prenant un chemin annexe.
Notre destin nous appartient mais Jasmine nous guide vers le meilleur chemin pour nous, toujours avec bienveillance.
Je ressors des consultations remplie d’énergie et de force.

Merci à Jasmine pour toute son aide si précieuse.


Throughout my journey as a seeker of truth for over 20 years, I have met many guides with an assortment of healing gifts. However, few have been able to authentically share their honest insights and direct guidance as Jasmine has over the years I have known her. She has assisted me in accessing my true potential by helping me harness the practical expansion of my consciousness.

Jasmine is one of those rare seers who provides exact direction, honest feedback and ample opportunities to view each situation from a wider and more positive perspective. Her skills have been honed, polished and perfected over two decades with clients ranging from house wives to politicians, business leaders to celebrities worldwide.

She has personally guided me through the ups and downs of life’s rollercoaster ride for over five years with tremendous accuracy, humor, compassion and wisdom. I can honestly say that although it took a moment for me to truly grasp and fully appreciate the vastness of her vision, in hindsight and after listening to past recordings of our sessions, she has been on point with her forecasts and feedback in an unprecedented way.

As a person in constant service to others due to my profession and calling, it’s been challenging for me to find the support I need to remain aligned with my Source and grounded in my truth. Jasmine’s friendly, candid and sincere demeanor helps me feel open, comfortable, optimistic and clear. Speaking with her is like sitting down to a warm cup of tea with an old friend. Catching up on life’s foibles while getting pertinent advice and precise direction from the other side of the veil is a treat, in particular during these extraordinary circumstances the world is experiencing in 2020.

Last but not least, Jasmine has also provided me with the unusual opportunity to reconnect with my beloved deceased grandmother in just about every session, which has brought much peace and joy over the years. I highly recommend her as a wise and grounded guide, specifically during these unpredictable and unprecedented times.

Santa Monica, California

Autumnal Equinox 2020

Alexandra DBSoul Coach, Author, Spiritual Psychologist

Great article Jasmine Voyante.  You are kind and honest with a deep sensitivity-This article is totally accurate & I am astounded by your flashes of precision for the past, present and future.  Bravo!

Jane Ibbott

Jasmine has been a part of my life for the last several years and I am so grateful for her incredible guidance in helping me find clarity and move toward my goals. When I look back on where I was before I started working with Jasmine, I didn’t realize at the time that I was lost and just chugging along on the set path I thought I needed to be on. I was fearful of creating change and looking into my own past traumas but Jasmine gave me the kindness, love, and humor that I needed to feel supported when I was struggling. She isn’t just a fortune teller (with very accurate readings), she’s truly a life coach who cares about her clients and helps you put your life in perspective. She uses her amazing gift to help guide you in the best direction.

I am so thankful to her for everything she has taught me and I can’t imagine where I’d be without her. So much of my life has changed for the better and it was with her support and advice that brought me to where I am.


I have consulted with Jasmine twice thus-far and can whole-heartedly reccomend and give validation to her unique gifts. She is low key, reassuring and I feel she simply speaks her truth without reservations or dramatics. I have consulted with many professionals in various modalities of therapy and she hold a space like none other I have worked with. Beyond accurate predictions, she connected me with abilities and insights of my own that have begun to change my perspectives on life and purpose. I look forward to a long relationship with her and her guidance.


J’ai consulté Jasmine il y a maintenant 4 ans pour la première fois. Elle a son cabinet à Paris dans le XVI ème et vous pouvez si vous le voulez, trouver ses coordonnées sur son site internet.

Je dois dire que c’est une voyante très très douée. Elle a su tout de suite ce qui m’amenait à la consulter et m’a dit des vérités sur ma vie et mon parcours. Elle m’a aussi ouvert les yeux sur mes facultés et m’a dit «  je vous vois travailler dans la lumière ». Sur le moment, j’ai plaisanté car je n’ai pas voulu prendre cette prédiction dans son sens actuel mais j’ai vite compris ce qu’elle m’avait dit. Je précise qu’elle accepte l’enregistrement de la consultation, ce qui permet d’écouter et de ré-écouter ce qu’elle dit et c’est très important car elle parle vite. Elle est guidée par ses voix et je peux dire qu’elle est du même style qu’Alexandra. Elles reçoivent des messages de leur guide et nous les retransmettent.

Ce que j’ai aimé chez Jasmine, c’est sa façon très directe de me dire les choses.

J’ai beaucoup de respect pour ce type de clairvoyance car je ne travaille pas sur le même registre et je sais comme il peut être difficile de vivre avec ce don propre.

Louise-Mariehttp://louisemarie.canalblog.com Louise-Marie: itineraire d’une voyante pas comme les autres..

Jasmine is Incredible! I have been getting readings from her for the past 2 years and every time I leave a session I am a better person. She is warm, kind, patient and says just the right things to what you are going through in your life. Jasmine has predicted things about me in regards to work, family and personal matters where she is always spot on.She does not only predict what is going to happen but also gives her expertise guidance. I have been to many psychics but I have found that Jasmine truly cares for her clients and wants the best for them.


My sessions with Jasmine are always sensational, eye opening, and revealing. She is systematically just right on. Her insights are impeccable and her ability to articulate them concisely enabled me to move forward in all areas of my life. Her guidance have helped me open doors I didn’t know existed. Her loving presence brings you into safe and sacred space the minute you sit with her. She communicates with great compassion and a sense of humor that puts you at ease immediately. I always leave Jasmine’s session with a new found sense of empowerment and confidence.  I highly recommend Jasmine for anyone wanting clarity in their lives.

Ferial RSan Francisco September 2014

Jasmine’s reading is really insightful and accurate. She describes present and future situations that are spot on with lots of details. Her reading method is different from any other tarot readers I’ve seen. She uses an old deck and doesn’t need to think twice before analyzing a situation or a person. It is very impressive. I’ve been one of her client for almost 2 years and I’ve been amazed by her predictions. She helped me a lot when my life was falling apart and she is an amazing support when facing challenges. Jasmine is friendly, attentive, straight forward and always available when you need some help. I never feel rushed when we have a session and I can ask all the questions I need an answer for. Whenever I leave the session I feel full of energy and more confident!


When my path have cross Jasmine’s clairvoyant eye and spirit, I knew my life would change for the best… unforgettable meeting with her brought me peace and faith for my future. Thanks Jasmine

Suzanne Moussette

For four years, i regularly meet Jasmine in her office in Paris.

I especially appreciate her ability to listen, her kindness and her humanity.

But its features do not prevent her from being honest and sincere when it comes to addressing unpleasant events .

I am regularly amazed about the accuracy and precision of hers forecasts . Without being directive , she knows how to guide me to complete my projects, either personal or professional .


Jasmine has been giving me readings for years, and so far, everything from the readings has proved of fruition. I use notes from our session as a guideline to reflect and look back at, and everything she mentioned in the readings is accurate. It guides me in my decision about my work and life. I must say that she is extremely talented and blessed with a great gift. Also, Jasmine is more than a psychic she is someone who truly cares for her clients and goes above and beyond to support them. She is always there when I need her, which is a rare quality to find in people. I feel inclined to express my deep gratitude for her wonderful gift and constant support. I highly recommend her to everyone who’s interested.


A few years ago I discovered Jasmine. An exciting encounter, with amazingly accurate predictions and a great complicity. Always frank and straightforward, she easily transforms worries in challenges.

Jasmine, thank you for your insights!

Frederic BelActress

I discovered Jasmine 18 months ago. She is always there when I need here. More than a friend, she supports me and helps me get through the difficulties and doubts of a hectic professional life full of pitfalls.
She is always right and you better listen to her advice … She does not hold any facts. She helps you see through situations and events crossing your life and react in the best way possible.
Her smile and her warm voice helps you listen carefully to her insights.
She will stop speaking only after an hour,leaving you breathless !!!
Do take notes during the session. They will help you keep in mind what she told you … so do not forget paper-pad and pen!
She has always been available during emergencies.
Jasmine thank you for being there, always listening and always caring.


I met Jasmine 10 years ago, I had left Paris to settle in the south of France and was getting depressed.
A friend told me then, “Check Jasmine, an Intuitive Counselor, she will help you”.
I knew nothing about this profession and had the idea that she was living lived alone in a dark and crowded apartment, full of crystal balls and tarot card sets.
When she opened her door, I was amazed by beautiful woman, elegant, considerate, compassionate. I immediately liked her. Her office is bright and soothing.
I was lost and she got me back on track.
I trusted her, and the confidence she gave me never left me. I see her once a year around my birthday.
She is relevant, accurate, and what I like especially is that she tells you what will happen, but gives you the keys to get there. She is not just Intuitive, she is a partner wo cares fo you and takes the time to help. She really wants to help others, and she does it with an open heart.
For my own sessions, she is really accurate about actual facts (Audit from IRS, 2 lovers at the same time), I am not in search of Prince Charming but of a more harmonious life.
About dating events, she is not always right but I realized that time can not be predicted. Predictions can shift.
Jasmine is a very accurate psychic.


I have been working with Jasmine for 14 years, and she has been a instrumental component to my career success and sound mind.
My work is very important to me and to the people of my nation, and can also be stressful as the fate of many people can ride on my performance, and the decisions we make at the Senate as a whole, in addition of a stressful political competition and lack of trust and unfaithful “so called” friends.

Jasmine’s guidance has been invaluable, and she has given me a sense of unwavering confidence and clarity, which allows me to provide the utmost value at work, while also being my best self at home.

When I learned about the innovative new program that COACCEL offers, I immediately enrolled, and I am very happy I did. It’s been a wonderful investment in myself and therefore beneficial to the people as well. I highly recommend COACCEL and the work they do.

Senator Nathalie Goulet France

My first encounter with Jasmine was staggering, overwhelming and forever marked my life. The day was February 7, 2007, she warned me about a death in my close family by describing the exact circumstances. It happened two days later … Since then Jasmine is always there for me, even across thousands of kilometers. Whenever I doubt, have a problem, or need to make a decision. And God knows how much I called. She always responded with kindness and care, always in the utmost discretion … She is unique!

Marie Françoise

I have been seeing Jasmine for years and recommended her to many people. I appreciate her humor and the relevance of her insights. Her ability to say things that are not always easy to hear. Her sessions are accurate and what she says proves to be exact, year after year. Some insights she gave me about my carrier 10 years ago, have taken their meaning in full accuracy just some months ago.
Congratulations and thank you !!!

Sandrine D.35 ans, Directrice artistique

I had sessions with Jasmine for several years, she always welcomes me warmly and her insights are accurate.
She is always franck and straightforward about what she sees, but always says it delicately.
I think she is a great Intuitive, maybe the best. All her predictions occurred, even when I refused to believe.
Her insights are crystal clear and her explanation subtle. Always impactful, she helps overcome challenges with calm and serenity.
When they are inevitable, Jasmine will give confidence and hope to apprehend them.
One gets out of her sessions energized and empowered to continue the journey easily while being warned.


I met Jasmine ten years ago, but during that first meeting, I have to say that everything she told me have come true one after the other.
At that time I was not a professional photographer and yet Jasmine saw me present my work in prestigious locations in France and abroad … Everything happened! During the last 10 years I exhibited my art several times in many Parisian town halls, but also in the USA in Philadelphia.
Even more surprising, Jasmine saw the future of my loved ones accurately, just with a single photograph or date of birth.
Each session is an opportunity to review my professional path, make the right decisions and get my moral pumped up.
I highly recommend her!

Jean-François VALANTINps: my work is available here : www.jfvalantin.comJean-François VALANTIN - Photographe

In the most difficult moments of my life, I called Jasmine after having found very interesting comments on her in a French book dedicated to psychic reading. I then decided to contact many of those people mentioned in this book and I can confirm without any hesitation that Jasmine is one of the best and very few psychic fortune tellers to recommend absolutely.
During my first consultation, I was immediately impressed and reassured by the first revelations and confirmations that I heard. I needed answers and benchmarks to move forward.
I had this feeling that Jasmine was reading my mind as an open book. She was seeing through me. She started to speak without stopping and without asking questions. Everything she said made me smile, because she was giving me details about my personal and private life and describing my emotions as if she had shared every single moment of my life with me before.
She knew from the first time we spoke together what my heart felt without having to say a single word, as well as she knew, what no one could see or even guess.
Since I know Jasmine, she has always been a guide, a friend, with wonderful human warmth, and was present at every critical and painful moment of my life, ready to answer my messages and emails whenever I needed it, with this continual kindness which reflects her personality.
I have been consulting Jasmine for several years now, and her help is more than precious, and her predictions always happen in due time guided by destiny
Without any hesitation I can confirm that Jasmine is a great psychic fortune teller with a real gift from god, and a wonderful human warmth and she will always be there to support you in your most important decisions by giving you the most accurate information that will help you, confirm your doubts and help you move forward in the best manner for you.
Jasmine, my confidante, my guide, my friend.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything.


Je connais Jasmine depuis près de 7 ans via des consultations de voyance. Aujourd’hui, le recul me permet d’affirmer que Jasmine est une voyante exceptionnelle. Ses analyses sont foudroyantes, avec le mot juste pour décrire les personnes et les situations. Elle tombe toujours dans le mille.

N’attendez pas de prêchi prêcha de sa part : elle ne vous mentira pas pour vous faire plaisir.

À la suite d’une consultation, nous avons évoqué l’opportunité d’un coaching.

C’est une démarche très personnelle qui m’a permis dans un premier temps de comprendre ce qu’il s’est joué au niveau familial, parents et grand parent : de mon côté en écrivant l’histoire telle que je la connaissais, Jasmine apportant de son côté toute l’information dont je n’avais pas accès, via sa médiumnité.

Jasmine m’a ensuite conduite à comprendre ce qui se jouait et qui expliquait des addictions et autres relations toxiques ou peu épanouissantes que je vivais. Elle a démontré une grande humanité sans concession, une générosité de cœur sans faille et une confiance totale en ma capacité d’évolution.

Aujourd’hui, je pense avoir parcouru une grande partie du chemin vers la libération. Je ne suis pas totalement « sortie d’affaire », je me sens encore fragile. Néanmoins je sais que ce coaching a été décisif pour m’ouvrir les yeux et comprendre. C’est également une démarche qui va bénéficier à ma fille et à ses futurs enfants.

Je recommande Jasmine à toute personne qui a envie de progresser, de se libérer, qui n’a pas peur d’affronter des réalités qui sont parfois dures : le jeu en vaut la chandelle.

Jasmine vous accompagnera en apportant son fort engagement personnel et ses capacités de voyance hors du commun.

Merci Jasmine, avec toute mon amitié et ma gratitude.

FlorenceCoaching par Jasmine

Je connais Jasmine depuis 13 ans et ses prédictions se sont souvent révélées justes. J’ai commencé un roman en 2011, et j’ai beaucoup travaillé pour qu’il corresponde à ce que je voulais exprimer. J’avais de longues périodes où j’abandonnais le texte. C’est grâce à Jasmine que je me suis accrochée, car elle m’avait prédit qu’un de mes textes serait pris et que je trouverais un éditeur. Ce que j’avais eu du mal à croire à l’époque. Les paroles de Jasmine m’ont accompagnées et dans un coin de ma tête je les entendaient quand venait le découragement, elles m’ont aidées à garder espoir. Me remettant sans cesse à l’ouvrage. Mon travail a enfin aboutit et mon livre va paraître. Toute ma gratitude à vous Jasmine.

Marie L.

Jasmine a guidé la femme et l’artiste que je suis depuis plus de vingt ans, avec humanité, pragmatisme, justesse et sensibilité. Toujours là pour les grandes et petites décisions, avec cette acuité, ce don pur permettant d’anticiper toutes situations compliquées . Une guide précieuse que je porte dans mon coeur. Que d’écueils évités, de difficultés dénouées grâce à elle et sa voyance précise et vérifiée ! Merci Jasmine pour ton aide précieuse.

Marie Aumont

Je connais Jasmine depuis 2008 et dès la première consultation, j’ai été impressionné par ses prédictions. Je l’ai d’abord consultée pour m’aider à prendre des décisions, notamment sur le plan professionnel. Elle a une très bonne vision des gens, et se montre très précise, en particulier avec des photos, c’est vraiment impressionnant ! En plus des prédictions, elle a un côté coach très utile : en me révélant des aspects enfouis de mon passé, notamment familial, elle m’a aidé à fermer certains chapitres de ma vie pour aller de l’avant et devenir une personne meilleure. De façon plus pragmatique, ses conseils m’ont notamment aidé à trouver le bon appartement, et le bon nom pour ma société au moment de la création de celle-ci.
Jasmine est très fine, jamais indiscrète, elle ne juge pas, mais elle est franche. Si elle vous dit parfois ce que vous n’avez pas forcément envie d’entendre, ses prédictions sont toujours bienveillantes. Avec elle, on se sent mieux armé pour atteindre les défis qui se présentent à nous, pour affronter les difficultés de la vie, et de manière générale, s’améliorer et réussir sa vie.

Marc K.